Volunteer guidelines 

Please make sure you have read the below guidelines before you agree to help with a specific request.

When you sign up to volunteer with us we will do some checks including confirming your address on the electoral register and asking for a referee/reference and a copy of your DBS is applicable.

We will then contact you, either by email or phone and pair you with someone that needs support. You must keep that data private.

We will also provide details of the second volunteer who has been matched with the same person in case you’re not around when the person needs you.

When communicating please remember to not give any medical or financial advice unless you are professionally qualified to do so.

We have people who can give advice on benefits, employment etc. Let us know straight away if the person you are helping needs advice. If it is medical matter please ask them to ring 111. 

We will be contacting you to check in regularly but please send us updates at least once a week. Please also let us know as soon as possible in case you run into any problems with providing support, for example when you can no longer provide the support needed.


When doing deliveries:

1. Organise over the phone beforehand. Please do not accept cash from the person you are supporting. This is to reduce the risk of transmitting the coronavirus. We are looking into ways to help with money transfers but, in the meantime, see if the person you are helping is able to transfer you the money electronically. We are urging those that don’t have internet banking to set up telephone banking. NGAG can PayPal you money if the person you are helping is struggling financially or if the person cannot make an online transfer. Please contact us about that.

2. Never take someone’s debit card or agree to take cash out on their behalf.

3. Don’t go into any houses. Leave food / goods outside the doorstep in a disposable bag. Try to include the receipts if possible. Communicate to the person in isolation that you have delivered via message or phone call. Get confirmation that the person has received it before you leave. 

4. Remember to wash hands before and after deliveries. Where possible wash for 20 seconds with soap and water. When out and about keep a bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser to hand and wear gloves. If you do not have access to gloves we will provide them for you. Get in touch with us.

5. Volunteers should ensure they have a low chance of becoming infected. Please follow social distancing protocols and don’t take unnecessary risks. We should all be minimising the time we spend in shops so please try to combine your errands for the person you’re helping with your own errands. If possible, offer to do a weekly shop for the person you are helping so that you don’t have to go to the shop every day. We need you to stay healthy!

6. If you or anyone you live with shows any symptoms let us know straight away and we will find another volunteer to support the person you were helping. 

7. Public transport should be avoided where possible. In cases where taking public transport is unavoidable, disinfection of the items delivered should be carried out.

8. Wear gloves and a face mask when handling any items. We are very happy to provide these for you if you don’t have access to any.

The above is NGAG’s general volunteer guidance, but we also recommend you take a look at QueerCare’s brilliant COVID-19 guidance