The Newington Green Action Group was formed in 1997 to bring about the regeneration of the historic, Newington Green, through local community effort.
We have always felt strongly about the ‘Action Group’ part of our name…
Since March 12th, as it became clear that coronavirus was going to hit our community hard, we decided to focus our efforts on coordinating a community response to the virus and its effects.
Since then we have helped hundreds of residents and connected many more by:
Recruiting and verifying over 300 volunteers
Bought and delivered groceries for those self isolating/unable to reach a shop
Collected prescriptions
Made phone calls to those feeling vulnerable or isolated
Advised on matters of council tax, universal credit, government grants & setting up online banking
Delivered over 15,000 leaflets to the Mildmay/Newington Green area
Started a newsletter that reaches thousands each week
Collaborated with local businesses, primary schools, food banks and mental health charities
Our response has led to:
Have given 15 residents access to mobile phones with user friendly large buttons and credit
Provided face masks for carers
Weekly cake drop for carers
Thanks to Stitch by Stitch we have given out over 300 face masks.
Sourcing materials to make your own masks at home!
Donating masks to local businesses open during this time, to families needed support from the Food Hub and to our very own volunteers!
Charity Number: 1087866